9 Secret Techniques to Improve your Ecommerce Marketing Strategy

October 16, 2020


In this digital age, everything is virtual. People prefer online shopping over real-time malls and shops, any day. Also, online wallets and payment options are taking over plastic money, as the most preferred choice of millions of customers around the globe.  So it’s important to understand how to drive traffic to your online store with the ecommerce marketing strategies!

Automation has become an integral part of our lives these days. Every industry regardless of their size and type uses automation to make their job easy. Even the eCommerce sector is not an exception to this trend. SaasAnt Transactions is one of the most preferred accounting automation software around, these days.

So it becomes extremely important for eCommerce business owners to exploit the opportunity by making use of e-commerce automation techniques. The end result will give you the answer to the question, “how to drive traffic to your online store”, along with a high level of sales and conversions.

And how do ecommerce marketing techniques help the industry in leveraging the best? Here we take a look at 9 secret techniques of ecommerce automation that will definitely help to improve the whole aspect of ecommerce marketing strategies for your company.


9 Best Ecommerce Marketing Tips:

9 Best Ecommerce Marketing Tips:

Tracking very important customers

This is the section of customers whom you should always try to make happy. Stay right by them and heed to their needs, since they are the ones who contribute maximum to your end revenue. Give them personalized offers. Also, something to take care of is to keep track of their buying choices. This will give you an opportunity to understand what your best selling products are. It’s all about giving the most special treatment for your most special customers. 

Customer relationship management

Great customer interaction brings in everlasting relationships and constant revenue, in turn. Therefore automating customer relationship activities is among the eCommerce marketing ideas, which is of unavoidable importance for companies. Sales focused techniques are the ones to go for if a company wants to get the maximum out of its customer service management plan. Using sales automation tools for this purpose can help companies in many ways such as, keeping track of all customer activities as well as interactions, gathering complete customer information, etc. Thus the past and present customer behavior can be easily understood, and decisions can be made based on that. This will help in better customer retention as well as retargeting. 

Customer segmentation

Every customer that visits your online store matters. And that exactly is why one should keep a watch over each customer. Here we will try and understand why identifying and segmenting the customers is one of the best things you can do to your eCommerce website. 

For this, the first thing to keep in mind is that your target audience is that one factor which heavily influences your business model. So we have to segment them based on various factors such as psychographic and demographic factors, purchase history etc among others. The benefit groups thus formed after segmentation will go a long way in helping you to customize the whole experience for the customers. This is done by giving them extremely relevant services, all the while coming up with clear cut methods for business growth

By the end of the day, this marketing automation strategy gives you every single possibility to build a positive relationship with the customers, and thus bring in a high level of increase in sales. Thus you can devise further ideas and strategies to market your best selling products. Since this marketing automation technology can end up getting you an 80% rise in your ROI, it can ideally be called the soul of your business.

Chat Bots and Social Media

Now, this is something that should be given paramount importance. Social media provides an easy and trustworthy e-commerce marketing strategy for businesses to spread awareness about their brands. It also helps in improving customer relationships and thereby understanding their requirements perfectly. And the end result will be that you can easily provide them quick resolutions. 

But one thing to note here is that the whole universe of social media can be slightly confusing and therefore intimidating. This can lead to lots of doubts. 

With the vastness of the social media universe and the endless possibilities it offers to connect with the target audience, marketing needs to be precise when it comes to the content. 

Social media automation steps in at this point to help you in a variety of ways including; monitoring brand mentions, posting of top-class content without breaking consistency, timely scheduling and thereby making the entire workflow swift, etc.,

Apart from the regular automation strategies, social media marketing also requires heavy usage of conversational bots. They prevent you from losing out an important customer, by engaging them in direct conversation. They basically take up your job and make it easy for you. 

Such chatbots can also bring down the customer service cost by 35%, along with getting all your marketing in one single place. The end result will be an increase in the visitor potential value.

Influencer marketing

Influencers can help your brand gain the trust of the masses easily. So, go beyond traditional automation techniques and leverage the potential of influencer marketing for your brand. Thus you can open up a channel of close interaction between the customers and the brand. 

The process is simple! Influencers carry your brand to larger markets. This works based on the simple human psychology that people easily connect to people, rather than machines. This physical proof for the trustworthiness of your product promoted by a known face with millions of followers is just the thing a brand would need to scale the heights of success. 

And while you are considering using the potential of influencer marketing, you should be aware of the following things about the influencers:

  • Their engagement rates and organic reach

  • Whether it’s going to be a paid or unpaid service from the side of the influencer

  • The nature of the influencer- macro/micro

  • The frequency of posts on the influencer’s profile

Once you are clear about all these aspects beyond the slightest tinge of doubt, trust the creativity of the person to take forward your brand. 

Finally, remember to keep track of the end results of the campaign.


Creating content means a lot for the success of your business, even though it can be tedious and extensive. One should go for impactful strategies while making content for a brand’s blog posts. 

While crafting content, special care should be taken so as to not miss out on the important points to be delivered. The content should be filled with information and knowledge useful for the audience, regardless of it being manipulated or not. 

And when it comes to inbound content marketing automation, content curation is of utmost importance. Various tools are available, which can help you with the entire process of content automation. Once you start using them, you’ll get an idea of which one works best for you. But then again, you should be aware of the area that you are trying to leverage on, and select the automation tool based on this factor as well.

Apart from all these, one needs to proofread the copies and make them error free before sending them out. Also special care should be taken regarding the usage of keywords. Both these factors can influence the positioning of your brand in the market to a great extent. 

Email marketing

This automation technology is used to send customized emails to each customer, once they have taken any action after landing on your website. This gives your business an avenue to build an active customer relationship so that proper promotion happens. 

This strategy includes various aspects such as promotional series, newsletters, triggered emails, seasonal campaigns, etc among others. Email marketing also helps in the timely scheduling of the events, so that the customers are always kept on track with updated information. Conduct tests: This helps in getting a large amount of important data from customers. Various variables such as cross-platform user experience can be tested. Thus every aspect of automation can be upgraded to perfection, using A/B testing. 

Generating Leads

Lead generation helps in a great way to take your business to places. This can be done through direct interaction with the prospective leads, or through inbound/outbound marketing automation techniques. 

One can use channels such as social media, websites, PPC campaigns etc among others for this purpose. Once lead generation is done, converting them to leverage revenue is what ultimately matters. 

With that, we come to a close regarding the top 9 useful ecommerce marketing tips for automation.

When it comes to the best tool automation tool for online payments, PayTraQer is the one to go for. This powerful tool can help you sync all online payments easily. With absolutely no manual effort from your side, your bookkeeping becomes swifter than ever. 

On a final note, knowing certain techniques is one thing. Utilizing them to gain maximum leads, ROI, customer satisfaction rates, etc is what it all should finally boil down to! So, all the different ecommerce marketing ideas for automation discussed above should be used properly, beyond the boundaries of mere theoretical knowledge. After all, knowledge is useless; unless and until it’s put into practice, efficiently and effectively.





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